This is a shameless attempt to save the the most advanced civilization in
history from imminent self destruction by eliminating carbon emission,
dependence on foreign sources of fuel,obesity, hypertension and diabetes.
Cycling accomplishes all those things at once and helps us develop a better
understanding of ourselves, each other and our relationship to the cosmos.

Oh, horse puckey!
I like to ride bikes, have been doing it all my life.
The rest of that crap is just a fringe benefit,
and the blogosphere gives me a chance to share my interior
monologue with virtual rather than imaginary friends.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Even Longboard Fenders didn't protect me

In the "too hilarious to ignore" category.  I got soaking wet from ground water while out riding the Hillborne with the incredibly long, full coverage SKS Longboard fenders.
Look at the coverage those provide!
You'd have to run over a geyser to get wet without rain!
I found a way to do it.
I was out riding on a local MUP which has a little side path I had never explored.
Referred to as "Bishop's Bog," it's a marshy area preserved for nature walks and wildlife observation.
It has a nice composite board walkway to keep traffic controlled and isolate the wear on the habitat.
I thought nothing of rolling out there for a casual ride through to see the sights.  
100 yards into the bog and my shoes, legs and pants were soaking wet!
I turned to see that the boards had drainage holes milled into them,
which created hundreds of little squirt guns to shoot up under the weight of me and the bike.
Fortunately, it was hot and perfectly cooling and pleasant, but the last thing I expected.

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