This is a shameless attempt to save the the most advanced civilization in
history from imminent self destruction by eliminating carbon emission,
dependence on foreign sources of fuel,obesity, hypertension and diabetes.
Cycling accomplishes all those things at once and helps us develop a better
understanding of ourselves, each other and our relationship to the cosmos.

Oh, horse puckey!
I like to ride bikes, have been doing it all my life.
The rest of that crap is just a fringe benefit,
and the blogosphere gives me a chance to share my interior
monologue with virtual rather than imaginary friends.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Too nice to stay inside.

It was a nice chance this morning to do a little cycling and the țrip downtown was more pleasant with the addition of pop up bike lanes on two of the busiest corridors in the city. 
The temporary lanes are nice and the plans are to reduce the traffic lanes also and calm the traffic on this daily drag strip through a residential area. 
The intersecting route to the downtown mall will be equally important since it provides a safe route between the business district and the two college campuses in town.
The new lanes made the trip to the train depot and it's always fun to jump one of the morning trains to Chicago for a day.  The Brommie fits neatly into the overhead and
solves a lot of problems getting around town.  Kalamazoo is a few years behind Chicago where there is awell developed grid of protected bike lanes to lead you through the city.
Biking is being done everywhere in town and there is no shortage of nice steel converted to fixes for the flat terrain.
It's a different place to run some errands and find a new place for lunch like Gordy's Tiny Taco Bar next to a beautiful park hidden among the high rises a few blocks from Millennium Park.

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