This is a shameless attempt to save the the most advanced civilization in
history from imminent self destruction by eliminating carbon emission,
dependence on foreign sources of fuel,obesity, hypertension and diabetes.
Cycling accomplishes all those things at once and helps us develop a better
understanding of ourselves, each other and our relationship to the cosmos.

Oh, horse puckey!
I like to ride bikes, have been doing it all my life.
The rest of that crap is just a fringe benefit,
and the blogosphere gives me a chance to share my interior
monologue with virtual rather than imaginary friends.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

A Rivendell Day

 It was a Saturday like any other in Michigan, rolling over when the cats woke me, glancing out the window to see if the weather guessers let the rain pass.  They did.


I drove to the Kal-Haven trail to meet Leah Peterson and wonder if the scheme worked.  We invited Rivendell owners from across the area to meet one another and spend a few hours together.  Shortly after we arrived, they began trickling in one at time until we had a total of 10 acolytes.  

All were riding various incarnations 
of the Rivendell brand.  
From single speed cafe racers to all terrain touring bikes,
we headed out for a  34 mile perusal of the forested trail.

We made our turn at the Bloomingdale city park
to hang out and ogle each other's machines, 
question and admire the component choices
and enjoy the new friends we had met.
Everybody was kitted out in the appropriate attire.
8 Riv models were represented along with a Soma Buena Vista and a Nobilette custom. More photos are available on the RBW Owners Group on Google.
We held an after party at the Latitude 42 brewery where we schemed up a plan for another get together in the Fall.  We may have graduated from a cycling cult to a Granfalloon.

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