Monday, March 23, 2020

This is getting weird already.

      I've grown used to riding my bike everyday.  Seasons and weather come and go and just make the bike riding a little different every day.  That's part of the attraction.  Since I'm 68 years old, I'm in the high risk category for this pandemic and I should stay in as much as is practical but bike riding is a natural activity that is safe, especially with traffic limited.  This has become different because I'm not working and I no longer have a daily destination.  Recreational rides are just around and back and that is not what motivated me day after day to dress and prepare for the weather.   I need a place to go to get me out of the house and there is nowhere  to go.   I'm finding myself sitting around waiting for the rain to stop, the temperature to rise, the sunshine to grow and it's the end of March, in Michigan.  That shit ain't happening. I have no motivation to dress for whats out there just to ride around and come back.
      This must be what it's like to be an American cyclist.  I'm finding out how the other 99% live, looking for an excuse to ride a bike when I needed no excuse in the past.  Now there's nowhere to go.  I'll have to rely on the weather to get a little better and enjoy the meditative rhythm of riding for no reason.   But, waiting on the weather was never a consideration when I had to go somewhere.  'Round and 'round we go on this existential crisis making decisions where they don't belong.  I think I'll just take a shower and shave, wait, I should do that after the bike ride...wait that might be two days...


  1. I hear you, buddy. I know that cycling is pretty darn safe when we are practiced, alert, use common sense, and have good equipment. It is also nice that car traffic is reduced right now. But I'd hate to get injured these days on a recreational ride, especially an injury needing medical attention. Just another factor to consider.

  2. I'd hate to be injured, period. Of course traffic statistics indicate we are much (MUCH) more likely to be injured while driving a car. So let's clear the streets for bikes.

  3. Nice post Marc. I think I'm going to start a new Facebook group and call it something like "Americans Against Driving Unnecessarily", since there are generally 40,000+ fatalities/ year and another 2.35 million are injured or disabled. Talk about an IMMENSE strain on our medical system.

    On a related note, this article is an excellent thought-provoking read about the changes in our transportation choices happening now and how they might portend some positive new lasting behaviors:

  4. Marc, I feel your pain and lack of motivation. I'm also out of work, but fortunately have been riding to check on my mom and brother. Somehow we've had a string of good weather. Sending the weather gods your way.

    1. We're starting to get a bit warmer also, send more our way.

