Sunday, August 21, 2011

A side trip from the beach

  While at the lakeshore I decided to make a trip up to Saugatuk which is another small tourist bay on Lake Michigan.  One point of interest is a large artist colony north of town on the lake.  The end result is a lot of small galleries and shops have developed in the downtown area.
     After a traditional American steak and egg breakfast at Captain Nemo's in downtown South Haven, I headed north to see what the galleries might offer to cover a few walls in my condo.   It was just a 19 mile ride up the highway which has ridable shoulders and, being a lakeshore, has very gentle slopes and hills.  I decided to take a 10 mile side trip down Lakeshore Rd, a five mile long "cul de sac" which has attracted the development of some cottages.  Cottages of the 3-5000 square foot variety which take advantage of

some of the more beautiful vistas on the planet.

     I caught Saugatuk on the wrong or right day depending on your inclination.  They were holding a sidewalk sale, and all the merchants had their beach balls, sequined sandals and beach coverups out on the street.  Not my thing, but I found a couple galleries had dropped their prices for the event and intended dropping them more before the end of the season, I plan to make a return trip in October and scoop up a couple bargains.
The mechants in this affluent little town have developed an unusual way

of dealing with their non existent crime rate.  It got a lot of attention, and probably more business into their
   Pedaling home was as pleasant in the evening and it seemed like no time before I was back in camp and even less before I wanted to go to bed.  One problem with this particular campsite is the lack of water.  I had biked in a few 3 liter bottles to use, but on the ride back tonight bought a small (7 lb) bag of ice.  That would fill up the Camelbak for tomorrow's ride.  I was pretty grimy by then and although there is a public shower on the beach in South Haven, I warmed up some water, and gave myself a good warm sponge bath.  It was nice to be isolated in the woods and be able to do it.  It was especially nice air drying in the breeze and cooling off afterwards.  Being primitive can be good for the soul.

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