Sunday, October 2, 2022

Fun convenience amidst drudgery

      At our bike club meeting last month, a number of us were invited to talk about practical cycling.  Oddly enough, with hundreds of thousands of miles in the collective saddle, most club members don't understand that option.  One ;thing that sounds ponderous to people is grocery shopping.  Most people are incredulous to hear that it is  simpler on a bike.

     Arriving at the store by bike, rather than searching the acres of Autogeddon for a safe looking parking place or walk the distance to the store,
I ride to the door and park.  On days when there's a lot of shopping to do, I pull my trailer with me.  Any of my bikes can pull the trailer, today I used the Brommie and gave it a chance to commune at the rack with the big boy bikes.
The trailer is a Burley Travoy which detaches and becomes a shopping cart. 
Wandering the store, I use the store app on my phone
 to scan things as they go into the bags.
When the bags are full with 2-3 hundred dollars worth of stuff, 
going through the self checkout terminal is a snap.
Outside,  I reattach the trailer, toodle on home
and don't notice the trailer, until going uphill that is.  
     After leaving the bike in the garage, the trailer rolls right into the kitchen to fill the fridge.  That's it. 
    It's easy peasy compared to driving, walking through the acres of parking lot, filling a cart, unloading at the checkout, reloading at the checkout, pushing the cart back through the parking lot to find the car again, unloading the cart, loading the car, unloading the car at home, carrying bags inside, and, finally, putting things away. 
    It's so much more convenient to use the bike and have the pleasure of another ride.

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