Sunday, June 6, 2021

The way home.

      As a "shakedown" trip to check out the gear, this was good one. Found no tears, no mold, the zippers on everything worked just like they should.  The ride home was uneventful, which is what I was hoping for.  I left fairly early and I swear I could feel the heat rising with every pedal stroke.  It's a gentle descent all the way to the river valley downtown and a brief climb on the other side.  
      The only challenge was the 15 -20 miles slogging away against a strong wind which ripped across the Gun Plain with a vengeance.  There was a bit more shade as I turned south from the wind and got closer to town.  A stop for some Gatorade and a breather along the KRVT and it was a pretty easy coast.  The 90 degree heat still took a lot but a dive in the pool fixed that.  Time for a pizza and beer!


  1. Sounds a lot like our ride today! My wife Jo is a Type 2 diabetic so we have to watch how exercise and heat effect her constantly. After climbing over several sharp, steep uphill grades in 90 F here in Co. Springs, CO. we stopped at a loaf n jug store, found the ONE shady spot and drank a whole Gatoraid ZERO while added more ice and water to the bottles for the ride back home! Lucky it was a lot of downhill headed back to the apt. Enjoyed the ride but 90 F at 6,000+ feet is HOT!! :O

  2. You definitely have to pay attention to the water in this heat!
