Thursday, November 5, 2020

Amazon is a blessed curse.

Here I was with a still sore foot (which is getting better thank you) limiting my bike riding to utilitarian stuff with an occasional 20 miler sneaked in, and I saw a Facebook post about a folding helmet.  The idea, for an urban cyclist, is great.  Fold the helmet and put it in your bag (which urban riders always carry).  Of course the idea had been in my head for years but none that I saw looked good, and most were crowdfunded dreams not in production.    I ran across an ad for one made and produced in France.  It's a cool piece of work and certified safe in the same misleading way all helmets are tested.   I have a helmet for each of my bikes because I will forget to wear one if the helmet is not hanging on the handlebars of the bike I mount.  Therefore, I "needed" a helmet for the Brompton, and one that's noticeable in traffic.  Fortunately, since I am trying not to spend money on frivolous stuff, the color I wanted was out of stock.  I was relieved of temptation.  Done deal. 

A few hours later, out of curiosity, I searched it on Amazon.  Damned if they didn't have it in stock; with free shipping, same price, no tariffs, duty or other BS. Amazon knows how to pick my pocket.  It was  here in two days.


My cats got a new box to "kill" and the helmet is very well constructed with stainless steel pivots on the folding part.  I'm glad I made the leap. 

I didn't even need  the instructions.  
It unfolds and folds in a very obvious way.  
Surprisingly it is very comfortable 
on my extra large skull, is well ventilated
 and the bright white stands ou
at eye level to a motorist. 
 I stopped for lunch, it folded into 
my ever present shoulder bag
quite nicely with room to spare,
rather than dangling around
banging into things on the shoulder strap.
Now the Brommie is properly accessorized,
like my other bikes 
to keep my noggin conveniently safe.  

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