Thursday, May 14, 2020

Is there anything missing?

      Yes, it was a beautiful day, without a cloud in the sky.  
But, less is more. 
      There is more missing.  There is not a jet trail anywhere.  It's amazing how clear and blue the sky can be when you live less than 150 miles from O'Hare (one of, if not the busiest airport in the world), less than 100 miles from DTW and less than 50 miles from Gerald Ford airport.  All those people usually puking up jet streams and fowling the view are not traveling.  There are similar observations from satellite photos which document clearing air and water around the world as people are locked down for their own protection.  People in major cities have taken to bicycles because they are afraid to be in public transport.  How many will realize how safe and convenient a bike can be in an urban environment?  How many video conferences are going to replace the "face time" travel going on throughout the world?  How many employees will not have to commute to the office when this is all over?  How quickly will the environment be changed if our habits do?  
      Will people realize the difference?  Our ignorance of this virus has forced 14th century medical techniques upon us. We are hunkered down in this apocalyptic viral nightmare with liquor stores, pot shops and fast food declared essential.  Threat of global annihilation was required to make us wash our hands properly and avoid strangers in public.  Space exploration is now more important than ever.  We must discover an intelligent life form.

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