Sunday, February 2, 2020

Grasping the obvious.

       I was talking to a few students this week about cycling.  One of them brings it up every day, but this time a group of high school freshmen, who had been exposed to the cycling program in their eighth grad PE program asked a few detailed questions about safety.   Of course their parents had always convinced them it was safer to ride on sidewalks.  They were visibly shocked to find out that sidewalks are more dangerous.  I referred them to the State Police who have told me that reports show 5 times more injuries from cyclists riding sidewalks than riding on the streets.  After explaining that using a street and following the rules of the road like any motorist is better, it occurred to me that they are likewise unaware of cycling infrastructure available.
I used Google Maps to show them the general area where we live.

Then I chose the option to highlight the dedicated bike infrastructure in the area.They were likewise shocked.  The map shows an area 5-6 miles in diameter and all the bike lanes, trails and mup's that are currently developed.  The fortunate thing is that the local jurisdictions are determined to continue developing this network until it is interconnected.  In our area, it is conceivable to go anywhere in town on a bike within 30 minutes.  They had no idea, from sitting in the back seat of cars playing video games, that anything like that even existed. The kids are finally starting to see that it can be more convenient to use a bike in the city. 

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