Thursday, July 11, 2019

Goodwill on an overnight

     Well, life sometimes gets in the way of important stuff.  Not bicycling, that's just a part of everything in the game.  But, the trials of family and maturity get in the way of sitting down and recording the good stuff.  I've still been riding my bike more than most people believe, but it has been mostly utilitarian in nature and just not worth the repetition of writing about it.
        I did manage an overnight to the lakeshore a week or two (been so busy, I can't remember).  Arriving at the nearly full state park campground, I was met by a friendly neighbor who brought dinner over to me.  She must have thought I was living on berries and twigs since I was on a bike, but it was a nice gesture.  She probably wouldn't understand that, although the pasta primavera was great, it wasn't enough after 50 miles on the bike.  After setting up camp I moseyed over to the local bar for nachos and beer as a main course. 
      After  a good night's sleep, I enjoyed a beautiful day wandering along the shoreline of Lake Michigan.  I have never seen the lake as high as it is.  The water line is usually 10-15 feet below the top of the pier in the photo.  We have had an enormous amount of rain, so much the farmers will suffer all over the Midwest.  It didn't quit.  During the night we had a torrential downpour.  My neighbor had moved out and was replaced by another in a travel trailer.  In the morning as I was getting ready to cook breakfast, the new neighbor came running over with a sausage/egg sandwich and coffee.  He looked genuinely shocked that I hadn't gotten soaking wet during the night.  I guess he doesn't understand what tents are.  There are nice people everywhere, but they seem to assume a bicycle and a tent are a hardship not a sport.
      I was glad the poncho was with me.  It rained continually on the route home.  The rain cape was a real advantage since the wind was behind me the whole way and provided a nice sail to boost me along the way.

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