Monday, May 9, 2016

OOPS! Where do they belong?

              I have been so busy pedaling my ass across the countryside that I haven't been able to comment on the weird and fun stuff I find out there.  I'm thinking of getting more technological with some Recon Jet glasses but, no harder than I try, the statistics will be too boring to compile.  I'll wait until they come with a voice activated word processing program to allow my inner child a sense of self expression.  I'd be able to blog away all along the road.
On the other hand, technology marches on and there is a new effective way to improve your workouts. Simple, you want a better workout, get a heavier bike.
Yes the ice tires might actually see limited use, but the local governments are trying to make our streets more complete.  I went to a recent meeting at the city hall to unveil a new plan to quiet traffic and put a very busy street on a diet.  I got there a bit late and I understand the screaming and yelling had subsided, so what I heard was just intolerable bitching but not downright embarrassing.
The city's plan is sound and will improve traffic situations in a residential area, but the gas addicts were on a real tear, yelling, screaming and talking over each other.  They were overwhelmingly uncooperative and bordered on violent, but finally were forced to allow a few positive voices to be heard.  Hopefully the city will prevail, everybody seems to appreciate the diets after they are built.  I have yet to hear of one being undone.
In  a more critical area, I have been wrenching away all winter and one of the things that doesn't get done in cold weather is cleaning the little parts tray I have on my work table.  All winter it accumulates parts because I just don't take time to empty it in the cold.  Well, it's warm enough that I took time  to sort out all the parts, screws and nuts and put them in cabinet bins.
When it was done, I found myself staring at 4 ball bearings of 3 different sizes.
So I have that to think about.

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