Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Brickyard Vintage Swap Meet

  The Old Dog Tavern has held it's Vintage Swap Meet in the brick alley/patio behind the bar again this year.
It was a pleasure to see many more people and much more equipment.  Although it was filled up with rusty cruisers and reconditioned Sting-Rays, there were some notable items on display and up for sale.
This beauty was hand made by a local,
I was stunned by the craftmanship and detail as well as the tasteful  coloring.
I was going to ask the price of such a creation until I was told
he had hand cut all the lugwork.
I walked away, too intimidated to ask.
Somebody loved this old Dawes Rando machine, it and the shoes had really been ridden. 
This handmade Japanese track bike was elegant
(I didn't try to remember,spell or pronounce the name)
Another custom, a Jack Taylor tandem racer
complete with it's own Reynolds decal for the proprietary tubing they made
especially for Taylor.
Standing out among the gas pipe Huffy's and Schwinn Varsity's was this hand made
space machine.  He said it keeps him busy while he watches TV.  
It, being made from an exhaust pipe, is literally a custom 
gas pipe job.

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