Friday, February 22, 2013

Toasty Hands!

   I shop Gander Mountain this time of year because they are practically giving their winter clothing away to make room for the summer selections.  I ran across these nifty gloves. I fell in love.
 Not only are they cozy Thinsulate poptop mittens,
 when you pop the top you find they have silk finger liners
 so you fingers are never completely exposed.
 But wait!  Do you see the suspiscious  little spot on the thumb?
Each thumb has a pop-top to leave me free to text as I ride over the ice
through traffic!
 But wait!  There's more!  These even have a zippered pocket
 to hold a small hand warmer to really keep you toasty.
I went out to my LBS and snagged a couple reflective triangles for the back
and I haven't been this happy about a product in a long while!
Unfortunately they didn't have my size left at the store, but I was able to order them from their website since the store wouldn't be carrying them again until fall.
I had to pay full price, but at $25 my hands are happy.
They are the Gander  Mountain Guide brand referred to as the "Blaze" series.
I'm sure the color will turn off the tweed crowd but will be appreciated by auto drivers.

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