Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Uneventful ending

   I slept rather late the next morning.  It had been a good recovery ride of about 40 miles total and I only had a short 35 mile trip back to Traverse City to finish the trip.  I was glad to have found the Barnes County Park, not only was it civilized, beautiful and quiet, it is exactly half way between Traverse City and Petosky.  I think it is a good starting point for a weekend of exploring in the future.  While I broke camp the skies were overcast and threatening rain.  I packed quickly, ate little and set off to try and beat the rain.  I failed.  
The rain came suddenly and heavily, I saw some lighter clouds in the distance which was encouraging and plodded along route 31 until I saw a genuine excuse for a break.  
   A few miles down the road
was a family owned orchard and fruit stand which served up some
very nice homemade pie made from freshly picked, totally ripened cherries.
That and a good cup of coffee was all I needed to take a break and hang around.
After the rain passed over I only had about 20 miles or so and the rest of the day ahead of me, so I took my dear sweet time.  The landscape on that part of the bay
has some rolling hills, none really serious but a couple which did require 
my scientific "attack,"
 gear down, go slow, leave your ego at the bottom, 
enjoy the rest of the day.
I did.  The hills are covered with fields of sunflowers mingled between corn
and cherry orchards.
It was well worth taking time to enjoy.
Despite having to cut the trip short by two days, it was a good week on two wheels.
I took account and found I had spent:
$100 for campsites(all modern with showers, etc),
$80 for a hotel room.
$40 for long-term parking
and $6 for laundry one day
for a traveling cost
of $226.
Oh, food you ask.  That doesn't count.  I eat wherever I am, sometimes it's cheaper sometimes not, but that is an everyday not a traveling expense.
I did have one mechanical expense, my phone finally failed after getting wet the first day,
I needed a new one anyway, but that was still only $60.
All in all it was a very enjoyable and affordable week off.

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