Sunday, July 29, 2012


   Sunday came around early in the morning, I didn't really.  The sign outside one campsite advertising "strip twister" reminded me of a party I attended in 1970.  Saturday was a lot like 1970, I don't remember much of either.  I prepared to continue the trip with a throbbing memory of Saturday's festivities pressing on the back of my head.   I got things packed quickly and found that I had to make a change of plans, there was some business at home which would require my attention sooner than expected.  One thing I have learned from years of trips like this is the need to be flexible.   It was no big problem, I decided to return to Higgins Lake on the same route rather than head north.
    The weather was again perfect.  There was little to no wind and I made especially good time since I knew the route already.  Stopping at a gas station for a coffee break 15-20 miles into the ride I ran across
somebody who proved there were crazier people than me on the road.  Nice backrest!
The rest of the day was a simple and pleasant ride, I don't usually stop along the way for a genuine lunch.  I have found that eating small amounts of "trail mix" along the way maintains my energy better.  When I have stopped for a larger lunch, I usually don't feel as energetic.  It seems a larger portion of food saps the strength by slowing the metabolism, all my energy seems to be directed to digestion when I do that.  At least that's my theory.
   I reached the campground early and was able to cook a decent meal of chicken, seasoned rice and peas.
Along with lots of water I spent the evening recovering while lounging around and watching the kids chase each other around on their bikes.
   Monday promised to be very hot.  I went to sleep early, got up early and tried to beat the heat.  I had stocked up on snacks and water before I left and headed across the state by the same route I had used on Thursday, the one with no services of any kind for miles.  The promise for heat came true.  It was brutal before 10 am.  My plan had been to ride north this time and spend the night and a day near Charlevois
which would cut my trip by two days without completely ruining the fun.
   I have to admit that was one of the most difficult days of pedaling I have experienced.  Not only did I see the semi-mountainous roads I had experienced in the rain, the wind had shifted and I was faced with solid 20 mph breezes gusting to 35mph all day!   Coupled with the excruciating 95 degree temperatures, the ride became a monster accomplishment.  I was drained of water at one point, had nothing to drink and in serious danger of heat exhaustion in an area where there were miles and miles without any sort of business, or even residences for that matter.
    I finally had to stop at a cemetery where I used the water outlets normally reserved for watering flowers.  Dousing my head in cold water several times, I was able to get my body temperature down and refill my Camelpak and water bottles.  No, I din't feel really comfortable doing that there, but I felt no choice and I happened upon it in just enough time to keep from collapsing.
     Needless to say, I didn't make my destination of 75 miles that day, and ended the day in Kalkaska after struggling all day to make a bare 50 miles.  I decided to hole up for the night in air conditioning at a locally owned hotel for my own good.

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