Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bike Camp

      I was able for the first time to enjoy volunteering at the Bike Camp run by the local bike club every spring.  This is an event which has grown more popular every year since they have offered it.  Over a period of 4 weeks new riders are treated to a progression of training in the sport of bike riding.  Contrary to the popular belief  that "you never forget how to ride," many find out that they never learned in the first place.  Riding up to the event, I found an interesting phenomenon, the newbies were the ones in lycra.  Campers were out in the lot comparing jerseys and asking where their friends got theirs and comparing prices, while the club members were in t-shirts and cargo shorts for a change.
     Many campers had invested in brand new equipment as well as kit, but most had shown up with hand me downs and bikes which had been left for years in the garage.  They were treated to a professional fit and adjustment by club members and local mechanics.
There was an abundance of vintage equipment ranging from a pair of husband/wife customs made my the husband's brother.

  A couple of fine bikes crafted of Columbus SL tubing
As well as this mother/pair of vintage steel bikes. 
The mother explained they had been rescued by from somebodies trash and refurbished by her husband.
Campers were led through a few trial runs over a marked course where they practiced some basic skills like
stopping, mounting, dismounting, turning, signaling and (the real challenge)signaling while turning.
After gaining some wobbly confidence on the parking lots, they were taken out for a 5 mile ride to try their skills in traffic zones.  It was obvious that many were just plain afraid to be on the street many had to be reminded to shift and have the drive train explained while they rode. 
By the end, most were talking of their plans to ride during the week to prepare for next week's session.
There were a total of 45 new campers who left excited about the future.

1 comment:

  1. Marc, thank you for volunteering your time on this worthy effort. I know that the two ladies with the blue vintage bikes appreciate it.
