Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Nouvo Retro Trek, a real test drive.

   Sunday was such a nice day to take the Trek out for a nice little 25 mile spin.  I wanted to have a chance to put an hour or more in the saddle and see how the new handlebar height and freewheel felt for real.  I didn't try to make things difficult, but have a regular ride with a variety of hills to see how this Hyper glide freewheel actually performed.  I rode across town to the MUP that travels up through the Nature Center.  The hills are not that steep, but there is a variety of grades to encounter within a few miles.
When I reached the Nature Center I was surprised to see the trail as clear as it was. The trees being bare of leaves apparently helped the sun keep the snow and ice to a minimum.  Altogether there was a great time of moderate climbing with a couple of steep grades mixed in.  I had the opportunity to shift up and down several times from the 24 - 34 tooth cogs and was seriously impressed with the smoothness of the action over that huge leap.  I also liked the slower bailout gear which did just that, bailed me out without a triple crank.
Riding back through town, I had a chance to stop at the local coffee shop to take a break and visit with a couple others who were enjoying a late fall ride experience.    We had a good time chatting over bikes and coffee.  They had a few years experience and were looking for good charity rides to try the coming year.
We did have a good time chatting and exchanging information before heading on home.
On the way, I decided to "attack" a hill with this new gear ratio on the bike.
This is a  challenging   grade for nearly a mile.  I rolled up that in my lowest gear without any heavy breathing.
I just crawled right up like I was walking around the block.
The bike proved to be really comfortable and more pleasant to ride with two changes I made.  
I am now wondering about a new stem, a really wide ratio 9 speed cassette and maybe a true compact crank.
Sounds like a winter project coming up.


  1. I run my Rivendell AHH w/ a T.A. 46/30 crank and a wide range 10speed, rear 11-36. I use an indexed bar end for the rear & friction for the front. I don't use the bailout much but it is great to have when you need it. Also you rarely shift our of the big ring as it is. I would never use a triple again except on a loaded touring bike in the mountains.

  2. Thanks for the comment Brian. That is what occurred to me.
    VO is making a nice looking Polyvalent crank with 46-30 chainrings. I was looking at Shimano's 9 spd 11-36 cassette. It sounds like a great combination.


  3. This is the VO 50.8 crank as sold by Electra. I just bought a single speed version ($79.99) and will buy new rings from VO at some point in the future.


  4. I should have been more precise, sorry. Velo-Orange is producing a Polyvalent crank (http://store.velo-orange.com/index.php/components/cranksets/vo-polyvalent-crankset.html)
    which has 46x30 chainrings and a very nice chaingaurd included.

