Saturday, December 11, 2010

Even for me it's a seasonal thing

I've been riding seriously for about 38 years and average around 150 miles a week.  Most of that is utilitarian cycling.  I started because I had an evening office job as a college student and, having been a good athlete all my life, I couldn’t stand to sit around all day.  It wasn’t a matter of money, I just didn’t like to sit around.   So every day the weather permitted I would choose my bike rather than my car.   As the years have passed, I continued cycling despite the demands of a business career and family.  I have very little time to ride for pleasure and most of the 5 thousand miles I ride each year are recorded on local errands.  A few years ago when it became obvious that gas would stay above $2 a gallon, I decided to use my bike whenever I didn't specifically need my car(I had no idea how often that would be).  To me it was a rational choice any intelligent person would make.  I don't live car free and don't aspire to, but it's obvious that everybody should drive less and cycling is my transportation of choice.
    Winter riding brings on a new set of challenges every season.  And despite loving the weather and being one of those people who appreciate cold as a refreshing change not a problem,  I find my riding is more limited in the winter.  Rather than taking the "scenic route" and putting a few extra miles on, I find my trips limited too getting from point A to B and spending more time inside.  I use one bike in the winter

a Jamis 3. I'm not a big fan of aluminum frames, but they make a lot of sense in the winter here in Michigan and prevent the inevitable problems with corrosion.  Usually my riding is limited to 5-15 miles of strictly utilitarian trips during the winter season, compared to 15-25miles a day in the summer.  Because they are shorter and slower rides I keep the bike "geared up" all purpose and pretty much ignore the weight.  It has a rear rack and folding baskets which will each hold a grocery bag full of goods,
I've added a full chain guard to help prevent ice and snow from building up on the chain, as well as a two legged kickstand to make it easier to mount and dismount when it's loaded,
and a tire driven dynamo and light to navigate the shorter days up here in the north.
Winter riding is definitely not for the "weight weenies" out there, a heavier bike is definitely a plus when dealing with the winter trails and streets no matter how the street dept. tries to maintain them.
This will be the first year I try studded snow tires, but there will be more on that at a later date.

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